Where Do I Find Help With a Drug Intervention?
Question by bhpdcode: where do i find help with a drug intervention?
my brother went back to drugs right after rehab :”C we had a family intervention in which we were all prepared but didnt have a proffesional present. he actually went in when i almost put a restrain order on him to not come into the house anymore. He did not come home last night, i know he will try to tell me he was with a girl but i cant beleive him since i know for a fact he is back on…. I am bout to kick him out, it workedmlast time when he was real deep in it, i hope maybe now he will reflect sooner…who knows?? I would like to try an intervention if i can before i do this. anybody know where i can find help? We dont have money to pay for one….. plz help
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89 Md. facilities bought drugs from firm linked to meningitis outbreak
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Tags: katy perry, drug rehab, rehab facilities, jennifer gimenez, university of maryland medical center, drug addict