Why Are Cigarettes Taxed & Alcoholics & Drug Abusers Receiving S.S. Disability?

Question by Heidi 4: Why are cigarettes taxed & alcoholics & drug abusers receiving S.S. Disability?
I know several of these people who receive S.S.I. and yet are working side jobs & getting paid under the table. More money for alcohol & drugs which we all pay for. These same people receive food stamps and turn around and sell the food stamps for more drugs & booze.

Best answer:

Answer by Lkn4trouble
It completes the entitlement circle! If there is a way to screw the system…entitlement abusers are the ones who find it!

And you and I get to foot the BILL!

Answer by Victory !
I guess if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the Problem.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Campaign to tackle the soaring cost of alcohol to district is launched next week

Filed under: cost of alcohol rehab

Latest figures show the total cost of alcohol-related treatment in Bradford in 2010/11 was £35 million, of which £6.7m was for A&E attendances and £7m in outpatients appointments, equating to £88 per adult. In that period there were 108,190 alcohol …
Read more on Bradford Telegraph and Argus


Taking 12-Steps

Filed under: cost of alcohol rehab

The researchers said, “Our study shows that 12-step community resources, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), can provide local, accessible and cost-effective recovery resources for young adults during a stage in life when …
Read more on dailyRx


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