Why Are My Hands and Arms Always Shaking?
Question by *Brianna Nicole*: Why are my hands and arms always shaking?
My mom as well as many other people always point out how I’m always shaking, and I’ve noticed it a lot lately as well. I can never sit still and my arms and hands are constantly shaking. Why am I like this?
Best answer:
Answer by Ellie
It could be because your blood sugar levels are low. Go to the doctors, they can do tests to find out what it is. Good luck :)
Answer by Amber M
-Type 2 Diabetes (Seeing as though everyone in your family has it!)
-Caffeine Overdose:
Dunkin Donuts large dark roast regular ice coffee with cream and sugar and extra extra skim milk with caramel swirl and coconut with half ice!
it just runs in your genes. like diarrhea ;D
may also be related to cocaine use, alcohol, weeverfish sting, spider bite, or cannibalism in papua new guinea. :)
Add your own answer in the comments!
Super Dog Program – Jane & Betty – Jane Folkman, Seastar Kennel (www.seastarkennel.com), demonstrating the Super Dog Bio-Sensor Program with Betty. Betty is 8 days old, from The Flintsones Litter (Colin x Gracie). It has been shown that dogs who have been exposed to these neurological exercises have improved heart rates, stronger heart beats, stronger adrenal glands, more tolerance to stress and greater resistance to disease.
Tags: anna nicole, blood sugar levels, adrenal glands, blood sugar