Why Are People So Harsh Towards Amy Winehouse’s Death?
Question by jdukenumber1: Why are people so harsh towards Amy Winehouse’s death?
i’ve read comments saying “she deserves to die for being a druggie” or “if her family cared that much they would have stopped her, not wait until after she’s dead to start a rehab center” or “that’s one more talentless person gone from the earth” etc… yes, she was a drug addict and she could’ve changed her life around but it amazes me how we can have so much hate. i thought she had a wonderful voice and i liked some of her songs it’s just a shame that she didn’t have more self control.
Best answer:
Answer by Phillip Asterverens
Should have been Winefactory, not Winehouse.
Answer by Kevin Karlsson Add your own answer in the comments! Drug meeting focuses on collaborative efforts Local support groups
She was a crackah, it’s her own fault and I don’t give a flying fu
"It's a gateway drug." Richey said they don't understand what marijuana can lead to. "Nobody ever said, 'I've never smoked pot, and I've never drank. But I think I'll start using heroin today,'" Richey … As far as helping those who have already been … Read more on Star Community Newspapers
… second Tuesday of the month,. 6 p.m., HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, 1675 Riggins Road, 656-4800. … Meetings: First Mondays, 6 – 7 p.m. at the Big Bend Hospice Counseling & Resource Center, 1669 Mahan Center Blvd., 878-9310. (Page 3 of 5) … Read more on Tallahassee.com
Tags: rehab center, drug addict, self control, amy wineh, amy winehouse