Why Are the Conditions in Most Mental Hospitals Awful?

Question by Jack: Why are the conditions in most mental hospitals awful?
Some are even dangerous e.g. patients can often be at risk from other patients. And I’m not even talking about the ones that use electric shock “treatment”.

My question is how are mental hospitals actually supposed to HELP patients? I would think that feeling unsafe and being around people that scream and bang their heads off walls and stuff would make anyone’s mental problem 10 times worse?

Best answer:

Answer by asp2write
First, they aren’t all like that, but the ones that are, they are usually public funded, where the patients are unwanted by anyone else, so there is no one to complain about the bruises, or the filth, they are just deposited there to die, it really pretty sad, we need better laws that both check up on, and punish these places.

Answer by pat
Money, there is no money to improve conditions in mental facilities .
” Sane” people do not care about “crazy” people. ” sane “people think that if “crazy” people” get better they won”t remember how bad it was or the other “sane” people won’t believe them anyway so it won’t matter how they are housed.
There is only money for war.

Isn’t this “crazy ” thinking?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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