Why Did My Bunny Die in a Strange Manner?

Question by Sabrina: Why did my bunny die in a strange manner?
I brought home a small bunny 2 days ago almost and he was nervous, but she grew used to my house.
I would lay her on my chest while watching a movie and I put her in a ball to get her excercise for about 10 minutes at a time when she got hyper.
But she would only drink water if I put it in a small bowl and would only eat the grass from outside, so I put some grass in her bowl.

But this morning around 3:30 I heard her moving in her cage like she hit the side, and when I checked on her, she was laying on her side, eyes closed and she was moving her legs like she was running. I was so scared I picked her up, but before I did, when I just touched her she started to scream and it scared me even more. It was the most nerve wracking sound ever :(

Well she eventually stopped when I had her in my arms and I layed her on her towel on my bed and she would only move if she moved her legs like she was running. Then a few minutes went by and she died and I started to cry since I took her out of her cage.
I’m so devastated even though I’ve only had her for 2 days.

What could have caused this? Was it something I was or wasn’t doing properly?

Best answer:

Answer by catx
Sounds as though she had a stroke or a heart attack. Sadly the only way to find out exactly what caused her death is to get the vet to do a post mortem.

This bit concerns me: “I put her in a ball to get her exercise”
You don’t mean a hamster ball do you?! That doesn’t work for rabbits and can cause them serious spine problems, they don’t shuffle along like a hamster but extend their full body to run. And they can run FAST.

Answer by christina
im so sorry!

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