Why Do Scientologist Believe That Psychiatry Is a Tool for Tyrannical Governments?

Question by : Why do scientologist believe that psychiatry is a tool for tyrannical governments?
Why do scientologist believe that psychiatry is a tool for tyrannical governments?

While looking at how pathetic and how delusional scientology believers are I find out that they believe psychiatry is a tool made by governments to make people slaves.


“Man had now been reduced to the level of a mindless animal — and thus psychiatry was born, as a tool for tyrannical governments. ”


“In fact, the array of primitive methods dreamed up by “modern” psychiatrists includes hypnotic drugs, lobotomies, electric shock and bolts to the brain while a person is drugged and comatose — each of which leaves a person little more than a vegetable. ”


Psychiatric treatment is what most scientologist need. They live in a different reality. Here are a few things scientologist believe in: They believe aliens visited this world, they believe people have alien dna, and they also believe that a powerful alien being named “Xenu” many millions of years ago trapped billions of criminal souls on earth who attach themselves to humans and create a variety of problems.

Best answer:

Answer by Natalie

Answer by Marg N
are you in the right part of answers?

I had no idea that they thought that.

guess we all need something to believe in whether others agree with it or not.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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