Why Do Some Men/women Live in Denial About Their “Depression or Addictions”??

Question by I have an answer !: Why do some men/women live in denial about their “depression or addictions”??
Do they have to “hit rock bottom” to realize and accept their “desease” ? Do they have to “lose their family and friends” in order to realize, it’s time to get some professional help ? A dear friend of mine is going through this “depression and alcoholism” stage right now, (it’s been actually a while) and I have no idea how to help anymore ! She is a grown woman for crying out loud ! What else can I do ? I suggested to go with her to the AA meetings, called even “rehab centers” but the response I get is the same: “She is the only one who can admitt to her problem and do something about it!”

Best answer:

Answer by Michael

Answer by MAYBE
Pity they were not As togethesdr as you! HA! ha!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Teen Treatment Center Announces 5 Tips to Recognize Teen Depression: Eagle

Filed under: depression rehab centers

A student that usually gets A's or B's, and is currently getting more C's and D grades could be suffering from depression, as is sometimes seen when parents decide to send their children to a teen treatment center. Tip #3: Quick or dramatic changes in …
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Rep. Jr. treated for depression at Mayo Clinic

Filed under: depression rehab centers

Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who has been absent from Capitol Hill since mid-June, is receiving treatment for depression. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota said the Illinois lawmaker had arrived at the healthcare center for "extensive …
Read more on The Hill (blog)


The causes and signs behind depression

Filed under: depression rehab centers

According to the Centers for Disease Control, every 1 out of 20 Americans ages 12 and over suffer from depression. There is a range of causes that … But there is hope and treatment for those who are trying to break free from depression. "There are …
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