Why Don’t You Address How Controversial the Term “bipolar” Is?

Question by WriterBoy: Why don’t you address how controversial the term “bipolar” is?
There are some who say it’s a made up label, with no supporting lab tests which verify it even exists. Yet your site treats it as a fait accompli. It is far from that. Some say it’s a made up term used to sell billions in drugs from Big Pharma. Your site seems like an extension of Big Pharma. No wonder you don’t address this issue.

Best answer:

Answer by Spare Me
Seriously? What “site” are you referring to?

Bipolar IS real, & most people agree to that, at least the one’s I know & the ones here on Y!A.

There’s always going to be someone who says something doesn’t exist, despite all the medical or scientific evidence behind it, that’s just society, no need to generalize an entire website of thousands of people!

Though I do agree with you on the whole Big business like the FDA making money off of people’s illnesses, its a shame & THEY should be the ones to hear from you!

Answer by Katy Lewis
You will know if your bipolar.

But most people say “i’m bipolar because I yelled at my mom for telling me to clean my room.” Doctors treat anything and everything just to get money.

Also, it does exists and you can actually get tested off of certain medications. If you are on a medicine to stabilize your moods, they can do blood work to check your chemical balances in your brain, liver, etc.

But most the time, it’s a cheap excuse if you ask me. I am bipolar, I’ve been tested through my liver which comes up that the chemicals are all messed up. Like I said, it’s easy to tell. There will always be days that your upset, that your crying then you smile, then you freak out and happy again. It’s called life to most people and want a way out of it. Note to them : taking medicine does not get you out of life. It helps your chemicals, but your still going to have feelings, have those days, and have to deal with them. Once again, CHEAP EXCUSE. I haven’t ever said “I’m bipolar therefore I can hit, I can scream, etc and be okay.” Uh no.

What do you think? Answer below!



Treating Bipolar without Medication – View the full Q&A at: www.healthline.com Dr. Rob Dobrenski answers the question “Can bipolar disorder be treated without medication?” during a live, free Q&A offered by Healthline.com For more information about bipolar disorder, visit: www.healthline.com


Treating psychiatric illness during pregnancy

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