Will Play Therapy Be Helpful for My 4 Yr Old Son With Aspergers?
Question by : Will play therapy be helpful for my 4 yr old son with aspergers?
what are the best sorts of “therapy” that can help him?. His main problems are not being able to play well with others meaning he can get upset with the slightest thing and he can start hitting or kicking the other children. Also often times depending on the person asking him to do something and depending on his mood he can get rebellious- e.g if his teacher says its clean up time he says “no I dont want to!”. He only listens to me and his dad (anyone else: not so much). He is also very shy/anxious/fearful in new social situations or situations with big crowds. For example I took him to a birthday party a few days ago and he wouldnt go inside the party hall and wouldnt play or participate with the other children(most of whom he knew from his prek class). He stood outside the hall for a good two hours and whenever any of the kids came to get him he tried to hit them. However i have no problem taking him to the mall, bank, crowded subways, any other place. He’s not a chatterbox like most kids his age but he is able to communicate what he wants/needs and answer questions asked. He likes to have fun and joke around but when others joke around with him he doesnt seem to get it (for example someone flicks his ear for fun, he might get upset and hit them). But then again with some ppl who he seems to like a bit too much he is overly touchy with them (meaning constantly wants to hold their hand, hug them, put his hand around their shoulder etc.. his school teacher is constantly complaining to him that he was a bit too physical with so and so etc). Apart from these social things he is not behind in anything else (he is able to read fluently/write etc). Im not sure what to do with him? I am starting play therapy by his teacher/social workers suggestion but will this really help?
Best answer:
Answer by sungemperor
Anything that helps interaction with other children is a good thing and should be pursued
Answer by Marvelgirl
Yes it will help. BUT be there and be strict. Weather ASD or not he needs to learn and can learn right from wrong. You may atfirst want to walk him through it. Like sit next to him and let him know how he should react and why the other child does what they do. He needs to learn how to deal with the real world as best as he can.
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