Search Warrants Executed at Narconon Drug Rehab Clinic

Search warrants executed at Narconon drug rehab clinic
Narconon of Georgia recently settled a wrongful death suit brought by the family of Patrick Desmond, who died four years ago of a lethal combination of alcohol and opiates while a patient at the Norcross facility. “On behalf of the numerous clients I … Read more on

Early Feel-Good Stories of the 2013 MLB Season
In the fifth inning of his second start for Montgomery, a line drive off the bat of Birimingham's Christian Marrero hit Downs in the head, directly over his left ear. While he never lost consciousness, he was unable to speak, and … At the urging of … Read more on Bleacher Report

New Research Shows Programs like Recovery Associates Offer the Most
Recovery Associates is a drug and alcohol treatment center for men, women and teens struggling with chemical dependency issues. At the core of their philosophy is the belief that addiction is a treatable illness. Their addiction treatment experience … Read more on (press release)

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